Have a Guilt Free Xmas
Traditionally December and January is the quietest time of the year when less people join the gym. And I can see why! Christmas is...

It’s Hot! Wanna Get Your Gear Off?
About this time every year, we see people wanting to look better because basically they’re wearing less clothes due to the heat! They...

How to get Wedding Ready
It won’t be long before you will be standing at the beginning of the aisle about to make your long walk down. How do you want to feel...

How Cardio Helps To Build Muscle
Why oh why is there a perception that cardio will destroy all your muscle gains? Cardio does the opposite; it will help you build more...

Types of Cardio
In the world of exercise we talk about doing cardio or strength (weight) training. But cardio, which is short for "cardiovascular...

Anaerobic VS Aerobic Exercise - What's the difference?
What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? While aerobic and anaerobic exercise is all classified as cardio – the...

The health benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise
Most individuals performing cardio are using it as a way to burn off excess calories and since you are moving the body, it is going to...

Cost Vs Investment
Is a personal trainer a cost or an investment? In my experience as a person trainer I find that many people believe it’s a cost to hire...

Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss
There is a lot of bad weight loss advice on the internet. Most of it is either unproven, or literally proven not to work. Here are the...

What's Your Body Type?
While there are THREE main types, most people have combinations. of the three body types. For example, some have an upper body that is...