Types of Cardio
In the world of exercise we talk about doing cardio or strength (weight) training.
But cardio, which is short for "cardiovascular exercise," refers to any exercise that increases the heart and breathing rate. This type of training exercises the heart and lungs, improves your cardiovascular system delivering more oxygen to the cells in your muscles.

Aerobic and anaerobic are the two main types of cardio training and include things like jogging, walking, cycling, cross trainer and rowing.
But, as we mentioned before, cardio is any exercise that increases your heart and breathing rate. This means you can do a cardio (heart/lung) workout that includes strength and toning exercises!
Some examples of this are:
Bootcamps (check out our Bootcamps here)
Circuit Training
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All of these different training styles can be modified to anyone’s fitness level, they can help keep your workouts from getting boring and because you’re combining your types of exercises, your sessions can be shorter!
So where do you start? The best place to start is by talking with a Personal Trainer. Different training styles create different results in your body, so it’s our job to see if your goal is to run a marathon, lose weight or get toned. Once we know what your goal is, we can suggest the right type of training style for you!
This month we’re giving away FREE 1 Hour Cardio Sessions at your fitness level. Click here now to grab your session!