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Guilt Free Xmas Indulgence!

Here’s how I can eat what I want over Christmas 100% guilt free

If you’re like me, all you have to do is merely look at chocolate and you instantly added a kilo of fat. So, with Christmas fast approaching I’ve developed a simple yet effective plan to be able to eat what I want over the Christmas and not start the new year heavier than the year before. All it comes down to is planning.

Right now as I write this, there is 20 days (or approximately 3 weeks) till Christmas. That means I have to start my plan today. What is the plan? Well, the plan is simple, eat right, train right and drop weight before Christmas day.

Did you know you can easily lose half a kilo a week?

If you started training today you could quite easily drop 1 ½ kilos before Christmas Day. So when that magical day arrives, there you will be sitting happily munching away on whatever you want because you’ve stored a kilo and a half of ‘No Guilt’ away in your ‘Fat Free Bank’.

Ok by now I’m guessing you’re wondering how to do this. It’s very easy. Just follow what I lay out below and you can make this a GUILT FREE XMAS.

Step 1: Eating Plan.

Your diet is 70% of the total amount of work you have to do to lose weight. By simply eating correctly each day you will literally watch the fat fall off. Now here’s the thing, the type of short term diet you go on is a ‘Clean Eating’ diet. Clean eating simple means that your meals consist of protein and salad or protein and steamed veg. No Sauces, no condiments, no nothing. Sounds like shit? Yeah I’ll be honest it’s not exactly the most enjoyable way of eating BUT think about this.

  1. You only have to do it for 3 weeks

  2. Just think how even more amazing Christmas day food will taste because you’ve been cleaning eating for the last 3 weeks.

I tell you now, you will not regret the short term sacrifice I promise.

Step: 2 Training

Get yourself in the gym. It as simple as that. Get in the gym and start training. You’ll only need to train about 4 times a week for an hour to achieve results. 4 Hours each week that all! If you did the following training plan along with the clean eating diet, your scales will be making you smile every day.

You don’t need to go hard and heavy with each session, just a good solid training session will do the trick.

Step 3: Commitment

3 weeks is all you have to commit to so you can sit at the Christmas table and not worry about undoing the top button of your pants later that day. To make your commitment simple get yourself a sheet of paper and write down an easy to commit to 3 week goal. Outline

  1. how much you want to lose

  2. how often you will train

  3. when you will train

Then put your goals in a place where you will see them every day, then get started.

Christmas is here, good food and drinks will be flowing so why sit there and have those guilty thoughts running around every time you take a bite of something delicious. Plan now, train now, lose some wright now and truly relax and enjoy this festive time of the year.

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