What Type of Exercises Will Help You Lose Weight?
So you’re now eating healthy and watching your calorie intake and want to take your weight loss to the next level with exercise. What...

Channeling Emotions Into A Positive Direction
Emotions can be described as brief positive or negative feelings occurring in response to important or meaningful situations, which can...

The Discipline of Discipline
How many times have you wanted to be discipline, wanted to say ‘No’ to that temptation, wanted to be able to make yourself go to the gym...

Consistency is Habit Forming
Consistency is about forming a habit or a routine that becomes an automatic process for you to follow and when it comes to your training...

What's YOUR Fitness Goal?
When you decide to start doing some exercise, there is an important question you need to ask yourself first… what is your specific...

Boost Your Immune System Through Exercise
We all know exercise is good for you, but have you ever stopped to look at what regular exercise actually does to the body’s immune...

How exercise helps with Diabetes
Diabetes can be a very frustrating and difficult condition to manage in your daily life and without forward planning can soon become...

Your mood benefits from just 20 minutes of exercise can last up to 12 hours!
When you have anxiety or depression, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can...

Let exercise by thy medicine and medicine be thy exercise!
Exercise is the best Medicine! AVOIDABLE - Avoiding heart disease may be as easy as a couple of days at the gym each week. Exercise...