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Channeling Emotions Into A Positive Direction

Emotions can be described as brief positive or negative feelings occurring in response to important or meaningful situations, which can influence mood states.

Basic emotions such as fear, anger, joy and surprise are commonly experienced daily.

Whilst positive emotions such as joy and surprise (certain surprises) can have a positive impact on , your lifestyle, health and fitness, negative emotions such as anger, sadness and jealousy on the other hand can have a negative impact as they can lead to loss of motivation, drive and feelings of worthlessness.

The good news you ask?

All of the emotions that I’ve listed above can be used and channeled so that you can move in a positive direction in working towards your goals.

  • If negative emotions are being caused by people around you ask yourself, ‘Why does it bother me so much?’ you will often find that the strongest negative emotions that you feel are being caused by people around you are by the people that you care about the most. This often because the people closest to you are the people that you are scared of letting down and because their criticism is often the one that sticks in our minds the most.

Try and think of how it will feel when you reach your goals and how proud it will make you and them.

If the negative emotions are being caused by people that aren’t close to you maybe it’s about time you think about removing them from your life or if that’s not an option think about how it will make you feel when you prove them wrong and blow their doubts out of the water.

  • Channel emotions such as anger into drive during a workout. Sometimes there’s nothing I find better when I’m angry than channelling it into a workout, I’ll go to the gym, turn my music up loud, turn the world off and channel my anger into an intense workout, most of the time by the time I finish my workout I’m feeling calmer and more relaxed and I feel even better knowing that I’ve turned something negative into something positive.

  • Another way that you can deal with those negative thoughts is to use positive affirmation. For those of you that don’t know what this is, it’s a tool used by many athletes and business men and women to help them maintain a positive mindset and empower themselves. By telling yourself positive things daily it can help you maintain a positive direction, in regards to fitness this can help you stay focused and energetic by channeling your positive emotions.

Some examples of positive affirmations are:

“I am dedicated to improving my fitness”

“I have a strong desire to be healthy and fit”

“Other people will look at me with admiration and respect”

By using any of the above tools you can teach yourself to turn emotions (good or bad) into fuel to propel you towards your goals and maintain a positive direction!

Take the first step and apply for a free 7 Day Trial by clicking HERE.

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