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Boost Your Immune System Through Exercise

We all know exercise is good for you, but have you ever stopped to look at what regular exercise actually does to the body’s immune system?

At rest your heart on average pumps approximately 5 litres per minute. Aside from the nutrients carried in your blood to supply all the muscles and organs, it also carries your immune defence system. This includes

  • White Blood Cells and plasma proteins

  • Phagocytes - cells which "eat" foreign material to destroy them

  • Neutrophil - phagocytize bacteria

  • Eosinophils - secrete enzymes to kill parasitic worms among other pathogens

  • Macrophage - "big eaters" phagocytize just about anything

For a person who doesn’t exercise regularly your blood flow isn’t moving at its optimum level and therefore your immune system is not reaching infections at a fast rate. By engaging in exercise you begin to improve the strength of your heart, as a result this will improve you blood flow. Improving blood flow has three major benefits.

  1. Your immune defence system can reach infections not only at a faster rate but also in greater quantities.

  2. The nutrients your body requires to help it recover and rebuild from an infection are transported quicker throughout your body.

  3. After exercising, the body returns to normal within a few hours, but a regular exercise routine extends the periods of immunity.

Recent studies show that stress has a significant effect on the body. When a person goes through prolonged stressful periods the stress hormone cortisol is released. The long-term activation of the stress-response system and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems, including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Digestive problems

  • Headaches

  • Heart disease

  • Sleep problems

  • Weight gain

  • Memory and concentration impairment

This has a devastating effect on the immune system and as a result you will more susceptible to disease. Regular exercise counteracts the effects of stress and reduces the above symptoms resulting in an improved immune system.

The team at Anytime Fitness Mandurah can help design an exercise program just for you. For more information call us on 9583 4715 or click here for a 7 Day Free Pass to get started today.

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