Have a Guilt Free Xmas
Traditionally December and January is the quietest time of the year when less people join the gym.
And I can see why!
Christmas is expensive! Not just Christmas, but the entire Christmas period!

Not only do you have to buy presents for everyone, there’s a new outfit for the day, there’s extra food for all the visitors and alcohol for all the Christmas do’s and don’t forget Secret Santa.
Why is Christmas bill time? Some of our biggest bills come in at Christmas time.
And then the kids are on holidays so there’s trips to Scitech and the movies. $$$!!!
And why would you even think about joining a gym when you know it’s going to be too hard to “diet” over Christmas? Who wants an alcohol free Christmas? Who doesn’t want to dig into all that lovely food?
Finally you get through Christmas and then there’s New Years and it starts all over again! New outfits, parties, more food, more drinks, shopping centre sales, more expense – but hey you’re having a GREAT time!
The New Year hangover is finally over by about 5th January but you were back at work 2 days ago.
Now Facebook is asking you what your New Year’s Resolution is and yesterday you realised that your clothes might have gotten a little tight over the holiday break.
By the middle of January things have settled down. But all your savings are gone. Back to the grindstone.
Facebook is now nagging that you too can have a Summer Body in 30 Days… maybe it’s time to look into that gym membership?
But you find all the sales are finished and you have to pay full price for your membership :/
Well that’s where we can help you out!
Join today, nothing to pay til 1 Feb 2017 – saving you over $280 …
And have a guilt free Christmas :)