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How to get Wedding Ready

It won’t be long before you will be standing at the beginning of the aisle about to make your long walk down. How do you want to feel about yourself on that day? Happy, excited but quietly thinking that you should have worked harder to lost those extra kilos OR amazing, confident and so glad you went to the gym and worked hard. Basically, there is two versions of the person you will be on your wedding day. The choice is yours as to who will be standing there.

So how do you get wedding ready? Depending on how you want to look will decide how much work you will need to put in to get yourself ready. Below are so tips on what you can do.

There are three things you need to do.

  • Eat Right to Lose Weight

Any personal trainer will tell you that eating right is 70% of the work you need to do to lose weight and get yourself healthy. By changing your diet over to a ‘clean eating’ diet your body will soon start dropping the weight off.

  • Gym Training

There’s no getting away from it, going to the gym will accelerate the weight loss when it’s combined with the clean eating diet. You need to aim for a at least 3 times per week.

  • Set Your Goals and Plan Your Time

How long have you got until your wedding day? 4 weeks, 3 months, 12 months…… Whatever the time period is, the first thing you need to do is work out how long you have, set your goals and then make a plan for how much exercise you will be doing each week.

Now that also sounds easy enough but what are the pitfalls and how do you overcome them. Well let’s have a look.

Clean Eating

Let clarify what clean eating is. This type of diet is pretty much protein such a beef, chicken or fish with either steamed vegetable or a salad. What clean eating doesn’t include is any sauces, dressings or condiments of any kind. It is as the name implies clean food. Ok, for many people a clean eating diet is boring, tasteless and misery on a plate and I am not going to disagree with you.

Here’s the thing, which version do you want standing at the alter? Happy, confident and feeling amazing or the one wishing they looked better? So what I suggest is this. Tie you clean eating diet with your goals. Let’s say you have 8 weeks until your wedding. Make a goal that commits you to a clean eating diet for that 8 weeks. By doing this you now create a mindset that knows there is an end date to this ‘boring’ way of eating.

Gym Training

When you mix gym training with a clean eating diet, it won’t be long before you’ll see the scales going down. Now then, gym training needs to be tied in with your goals as well. If you’re starting out I would say to you that three times a week for the first two to four weeks is a great start. In those initial weeks, it would be a good idea to do 2 cardio sessions and 1 weights training session. You will need to build up your cardiovascular fitness first to then move into a more complex training program that will help you to continue to shift the weight and tone up the body.

Setting your Goals and Planning Your Time

Goal setting is the first key to your success, if you try to embark on a journey to lose weight and tone up without setting your goals you will almost guarantee failure. With your goals, you need to get it clear in your mind what you want to achieve. The clearer your goals are the better your chance of success.

The second key to your success is planning the time you have from now to when your wedding is. So keeping with the previous example of 8 weeks until ‘I Do’. Ideally you want to plan your eating guide, and gym training for the next 8 weeks. Map the entire lot. What you will eat on what day and which days will be cardio days and weight training days. What this does, it stops you from having to think about what you need to do each week. It’s all there laid out all you then all you have to do is get up each morning and follow what you have set.

Do you need help?

If you are like most, you fully understand everything that’s been written here but you’re still not quite sure how to actually get started. That’s ok, help is available. You have a couple of options.

  1. Sign up to a specific program.

There are many programs out there that are especially designed to help you achieve everything you want in time for your wedding. Here at Anytime Fitness Mandurah we have 3 excellent ‘Get Wedding Ready’ packages that can help you down the road of success.

  1. Ask a Personal Trainer

If you already know what you want to achieve but just need a kickstart, then book a session with a PT to go over your plan with you to make sure it’s on the right track. I would also suggest booking one or two sessions with them to help set your cardio and weight training levels so you know how hard you need to work each session.

On your wedding day, there are two possibilities of how you will feel about yourself. One followed the guides laid out here, put the hard work in and now feel amazing and so happy with themselves, the other…. well the other didn’t. Which one do you want to be?

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